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Friday, June 29, 2012

The history of cinema. Max Skladanowsky

Max Skladanowsky (April 30, 1863, Berlin - November 30, 1939) - German inventor and one of the first filmmakers. Together with his brother Emil, he invented an apparatus for recording and projection of films Bioskop (Bioskop), where the brothers showed the audience a moving picture for the money, about two months before the submission of a more perfect motion picture Lumiere Brothers Skladanowsky with his Bioskopom with which he showed...

Thursday, June 28, 2012

neon green mushrooms

Bioluminescent fungi These neon green mushrooms, or trichlorfon Mycena, appear during the rainy season in Japanese and Brazilian forests, scattering the floor with glowing spores. The glow of mushrooms is due to bioluminescence, one of the amazing events that occur in some plants and animals. nuffnang_bid = "094bbbc58a0958fb5d58721394480d0d";...

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Palheyros - traditional Portuguese home

Santana - the municipality along the northern coast of the archipelago of Madeira. This is one of the most important tourist destinations of Portugal, mainly because of the traditional Portuguese houses called palheyros. Santana is known for traditional houses, bungalows with roofs made of straw. These roof reaches the ground, giving the home a triangular shape. Most of these buildings are a tourist attraction, for which travelers come...

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Rainbow Eucalyptus

Rainbow Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus deglupta) - the only species of eucalyptus, which grows in the northern hemisphere. Besides the fact that eucalyptus grows to 70 meters in height, it also shines like a rainbow: its bark can be painted in yellow, green, orange and even purple. An unusual phenomenon is due to cortical areas, flaking at various times. Different colors - indicators of age crust: recently lost, the outer bark is a bright green...

Friday, June 22, 2012

Life on the Saguaro cactus

Saguaro Cactus - a giant among cactus that grows only in Arizona and California. He is so big that provides shelter, food and protection to many desert dwellers, this is a palace in the desert. Some species of birds, such as, for example, this little woodpecker, in the trunk of a cactus suit their nests, making their eggs and chicks are protected from predators. Nobody dares to wade through these thorns. The name of a cactus, is...