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Monday, May 30, 2011

Unique casket company in Ghana

Why coffin should be a boring box, where you can order to be made in the form of a lobster, red pepper, poultry or shoe? Indigenous inhabitants of a small African nation of Ghana believes that the funeral - it's not a sad farewell to the deceased, and the celebration of a man crossing the road to a better world. It is here that there was a tradition of putting the corpse in the coffin of a special bright intricate shapes. This tradition...

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Village on the Pacific Ocean

Pucusana, Peru. On the Pacific coast 100 km south of Lima is a small but very cozy fishing village Pukusana ... Gen. simple fishermen, Peruvian penguins, seals, pelicans and more about "non-touristic" Peru. What do you know about Peru? "Somewhere in South America", "frightening and dangerous", "Machu Picchu", "Lake Titicaca" ... and of course the llama ... Well some like on someone's toes: Now leave the stereotypes behind ... Following the advice...