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Monday, May 30, 2011

Unique casket company in Ghana

Why coffin should be a boring box, where you can order to be made in the form of a lobster, red pepper, poultry or shoe? Indigenous inhabitants of a small African nation of Ghana believes that the funeral - it's not a sad farewell to the deceased, and the celebration of a man crossing the road to a better world. It is here that there was a tradition of putting the corpse in the coffin of a special bright intricate shapes.

This tradition was quite young and came from a stupid accident: in the middle of last century one of the Ghanaian rulers ordered for a litter (stretcher as a bed or chair for 2 poles) in the form of an eagle, delivery of which has fallen exactly on the day of his death. Resourceful families have provided the litter cover, and buried him in the monarch.

A new way to the funeral came to taste the local population. Soon, many wealthy people, and then everyone else started ordering fancy coffins to commemorate the deceased with a special luxury.

The coffin could symbolize and some specific feature or habit and be in the form of beer bottles or cigarettes.

The body of one who dreamed of buying a luxurious car or on his own plane's relatives put in a wooden copy of "Dream".

Often, the coffin is so eccentric shape, which put back the body of the deceased in the usual way is problematic. But the Ghanaians are not worried about it and placed the corpse as necessary. Importantly, to his soul rejoiced specific identity of the last refuge of the body, and the very shelter took place in a doorway. To this end, some parts of the tomb, for example, the wings of the plane can be easily removed and attached again.

Manufacture of such coffin takes a lot of time. And Ghanaians because of superstition and religiosity are not bought a coffin in vivo. Therefore, the situation when the body of the deceased for several weeks in the morgue, is quite ordinary.

Because of the complexity of the average cost of production figure of the coffin is 500 - 600 dollars. For many Ghanaians is the sum of annual earnings. State authorities are already concerned that, despite the benefit to multiple service providers from costly funeral, the country's population is deprived of huge sums of money, and the production of coffins is becoming one of the most productive sectors in Ghana.

Fashion on the original coffins had time to spread beyond the African state. Figured coffins began to order some of the residents of England. Ghanaian coffins are buying European collectors.

And in France (city of Besancon) is the Ethnological Museum, which collected more than 20 copies of the coffins from Ghana and England.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Village on the Pacific Ocean

Pucusana, Peru.
On the Pacific coast 100 km south of Lima is a small but very cozy fishing village Pukusana ... Gen. simple fishermen, Peruvian penguins, seals, pelicans and more about "non-touristic" Peru.

What do you know about Peru? "Somewhere in South America", "frightening and dangerous", "Machu Picchu", "Lake Titicaca" ... and of course the llama ... Well some like on someone's toes:

Now leave the stereotypes behind ... Following the advice of Lonely Planet we have chosen Pukusanu as a place for learning experience "feel the country as it is," and not mistaken:) Dovozit here now is such a bus № 36 of Lima:

Contrary to most of the precautions for their personal safety in Lima, Pukusana was surprisingly quiet and safe place. Located in a small bay, the main source of income is fishing, as eloquently speaks of its coat of arms:

And let it be more like a small town, but yet has the status of villages.
Panoramas Pukusany:

Several times seen this in Peru - the stairs are painted in bright yellow:

Pukusana located on hilly terrain, creating a very interesting and photogenic landscape:


And a very interesting cove, where crashing waves pouring out of the ocean:

Local shops, all very bright and colorful:

Transportation Pukusany:

And a stunning bust of an unknown Peruvian grandmother ...

Fast food on the beach:

All you can do both: and have dinner and catch head lice:


Port, the point of departure of boats at sea and fish sorting after the raid:

... And their pirate boat also has:

Then an incredible flavor at every step. Library:

And at the gates of kindergarten drawn Mukhomorov grove:

And the school line spend the morning at the roof of the school:

And, of course, is a paradise for food lovers ... Several hours after the catch:

But the main thing - it's the ocean! Pacific Ocean, it is incredible, it charms with its power and beauty!

We rode on the boat, believing in the promise to see the penguins and we really saw! It was the kind of Peruvian Humboldt penguins (Spheniscus humboldt), and even saw sea lions and pelicans, which attacked the boat with the fishermen in search of breakfast daromvogo ...

And yet there is a terrific little otelchik for romantics and philosophers, and his charming mistress - "Sir, Elizabeth, but more about that next time ... :)

We are:

To be continued: