Thursday, May 27, 2010
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
beza laki & pompuan time lunch...???
Yang ni saje2 nak wat lawak yer...sape2 yg terkena/ terasa tu, mintak maap awal2 ek :P..sekadar gurauan :)
1. Waktu lunch, jalan ke tempat makan
2. Sampai kedai makan, masuk
3. Ambik Pinggan
4. Letak nasi
5. Letak Lauk
6. Ke kaunter, Bayar nasi dan Air Sekali
7. Makan
8. Habis
9. Balik Opis or
10. G surau
1. Waktu lunch, jalan ke kedai makan
2. Perhatikan orang waktu jalan
3. Sempat mengumpat dulu
4. Sambil jalan betulkan tudung, tgk baju sendiri, tgk kaki
5. Tengok baju orang lain, especially yang cantik dr baju sendiri.
6. Sampai kedai makan, jenguk-jenguk dulu
7. Ramai orang, cari kedai lain.
8. Jalan lagi
9. Dah puas ati.. masuk..
10. Survey lauk dulu 2, 3 minit.
11. Carik2 pinggan, ambik pinggan
12. Belek-belek pinggan, bersih ke?? tak bersih?.. eeeeiiii. .
13. Dah puas ati, ambik nasi
14. Ambik nasi ceduk sikit-sikit
15. Tak sah kalau tak ceduk 2/3 kali
16. Buang balik nasi. banyak. .
17. Tak puas ati, banyak lagi.. buang lagi..(tinggal sejemput)
18. Godek2 sikit nasi dalam pinggan 2minit
19. Carik lauk. Survey dulu keliling meja. Tenguk sana, tenguk sini
20. Jengok dlm bekas lauk, ambik kuah sikit
21. Jengok bekas lauk lain, ceduk kuah sikit lagi
22. Jengok lagi? sambil tu tengok2 orang, jeling-jeling
23. Ambil lauk
24. Pusing lagi
25. Carik sayur pulak!
26. Ambik sayur selepas survey dan keliling 2 minit
27. Ke kaunter bayaran
28. Tgk2 nasi dlm pinggan
29. Berbisik ngan kawan "alaamak byk la aku ambik"
30. Sampai depan kaunter "berapa?"
31. Bukak dompet.. belek2 celah kad2 bank, celah kad2 nama, celah
32. Keluarkan duit
33. Buat isyarat mata ngan member (sbb nasi mahal)
35. Tutup dompet. Ambik nasi
36. Tinjau-tinjau tempat duduk.
37. Jumpa tempat duduk.. alamak kotorlah!!!
38. Cari tempat duduk lain
39. Jumpa. Duduk. .
40. Alamak. Air tak order lagi
41. Tinjau2, carik org order air.. sambil tangan betulkan0 tudung
42. Order air
43. Bangun
44. Ambik sudu
45. Duduk
46. Bangun
47. Ambik Tisu
48. Duduk
49. Air sampai
50. Belek dompet (Step tadi)
51. Bayar
52. Tutup
53. Minum air
54. Start makan
55. Tengok-tengok orang sambil makan
56. Makan separuh.. kenyang
57. Sebab dah minum air
58. Letak sudu, letak garpu
59. Pinggan tolak tepi
60. Borak2 kater makanan tak sedap
61. Ngumpat2.. tgk orang
62. Pukul 2, naik opis..
63. Ambik beg makeup, g surau!!!!!
Friday, May 21, 2010
Kisah Punch Card...
Cerita ni aku dpt dari email kawan aku..sbg pengajaran pembaca2 bersama :D
PUNCH CARD --- korang biasa dengar dan tau benda nih kan? dan korang
biasa meminta kawan2 tolong punch kalo korang lewat sampai ofis kan? atau
kalo korang nak balik awal? alasan korang sebab takut dan tak nak punch card
tuh tulisan warna merah.. ye la nanti satu keje la pulak nak ngadap bos
then create alasan kenapa merah.. kalo ade alasan munasabah macam traffic
jam ke bole la kot.. tp kalo korang bangun lambat? takkan nak bg alasan tuh
kat bos kan? mesti bos marah.. tak pasal2 kena brain wash pepagi buta kat
TAPI korang tau tak risiko yang akan korang dapat kalo mintak tolong
punch card? bukan risiko kat diri korang je.. risiko skali kat kawan yang dah
baik ati tolong korang punch card tuh.. kesian kawan tuh..
Kawan aku -- Ali (bukan nama sebenar) lewat datang keje... then minta la
Amat (bukan nama sebenar) punch kan.. then Amat tolong la.. tup-tup on
da way nak sampai opis tuh Ali accident.. mula-mula dia koma then 2 ari lepas
tuh dia meninggal dunia.. apa yang menyedihkan. . bila isteri Ali nak buat
tuntutan..banyak tuntutan tidak diluluskan.. macam nak buat pampasan ke
kuarkan KWSP ke apa2 la yg bole waris tuntut bila seseorang tuh meninggal.. korang
tau tak kenapa susah?? sebab dalam punch card tuh memBUKTIkan Ali berada
dalam opis pada waktu yang sama dia accident.. so opis nak luluskan pampasan
dan everything camana? opis bole luluskan JIKA ada sape2 yang mengaku dah
tolong Ali punch card.. Amat tak nak mengaku.. ye la.. kalo dia ngaku
dia mesti kena tindakan tatatertib kan? silap2 dia kena buang keje.. so smpi
skang pampasan tak dapat.. yang susah isteri Ali.. dah la tak bekerja then
anak dah ade 2 lak tuh.. nak kuarkan KWSP pon hadapi masalah yg sama..
Korang nak ke perkara yang sama berlaku kat diri korang dan kawan
korang? kalo la korang mintak punch then jadi pape kat korang tgh jalan sape
nak bertanggungjawab? for sure la kawan yang tolong punch card tuh tak nak
mengaku.. ye la kita dah tolong sat lagi kita yang kena tanggung?? kalo
kena denda je tak pe la.. sat lg siap kena buang keje mana mau cari
keje??? yang si kawan yang tolong tuh pulak mesti seumur idup akan rasa bersalah..
kalo accident just patah kaki je bole la lagi tak dikisahkan tapi kalo dah
melibatkan nyawa ni.. walaupon niat nak tolong tapi biar la mcm org tua
cakap.. buat baik berpada-pada. . jgn buat baik tak kira tempat.. nanti
susah kat sendiri.. so aku just nak mintak tolong kat korang sume..
jangan la buat keje nih lagi.. tolong fikir ajal maut kita tak tau.. mungkin kita
mati pas tuh dah tak de pape tanggungjawab. .. tapi org yg idup.. mcm keluarga
kita.. nak tuntut pape susah.. korang nak ke mcm tuh? mesti korang tak nak
famili korang susah kan? aku harap mulai sekarang.. kalo korang datang lewat
macamana sekalipon.. punch card la sendiri.. biarla bos marah sekali
pon.. tapi jangan menyusahkan diri org lain.. dan diri sendiri.. tolongla
diri sendiri dan kalo nak tolong kawan2 pon biar la kena tempatnya.. next
time..kalo korang rasa dah lewat tuh.. call la bos bg tau lewat sampai then
jumpa bos bila dah sampai.. kalo korang rasa nak balik awal lak.. mintak la
time off atau permission kuar awal dari bos.. atau minta jer la cuti
ke?..jangan la main kuar suka2 ati je..
p/s :- pas aku dgr cite tuh dari isteri Ali.. aku dah tak nak buat mcm
tuh lg.. sbb sebelom ni.. aku penah beberapa kali mintak tlg punch dan
beberapa kali tlg org punch.. aku rasa ngeri dgr cite tuh.. lg pon aku sempat
lawat arwah sebelum dikebumikan. . terasa macam.. ish ape yg dah aku buat..
rasa bersyukur sangat sbb sepanjang aku buat keje tuh.. aku tak terlibat
ngan pape accident dan org yg aku tlg tuh selamat sampai.. kalo aku pon kena
mcm tuh.. aku tak tau la apa jadi.. nangis air mata darah pon x guna lagi...
PUNCH CARD --- korang biasa dengar dan tau benda nih kan? dan korang
biasa meminta kawan2 tolong punch kalo korang lewat sampai ofis kan? atau
kalo korang nak balik awal? alasan korang sebab takut dan tak nak punch card
tuh tulisan warna merah.. ye la nanti satu keje la pulak nak ngadap bos
then create alasan kenapa merah.. kalo ade alasan munasabah macam traffic
jam ke bole la kot.. tp kalo korang bangun lambat? takkan nak bg alasan tuh
kat bos kan? mesti bos marah.. tak pasal2 kena brain wash pepagi buta kat
TAPI korang tau tak risiko yang akan korang dapat kalo mintak tolong
punch card? bukan risiko kat diri korang je.. risiko skali kat kawan yang dah
baik ati tolong korang punch card tuh.. kesian kawan tuh..
Kawan aku -- Ali (bukan nama sebenar) lewat datang keje... then minta la
Amat (bukan nama sebenar) punch kan.. then Amat tolong la.. tup-tup on
da way nak sampai opis tuh Ali accident.. mula-mula dia koma then 2 ari lepas
tuh dia meninggal dunia.. apa yang menyedihkan. . bila isteri Ali nak buat
tuntutan..banyak tuntutan tidak diluluskan.. macam nak buat pampasan ke
kuarkan KWSP ke apa2 la yg bole waris tuntut bila seseorang tuh meninggal.. korang
tau tak kenapa susah?? sebab dalam punch card tuh memBUKTIkan Ali berada
dalam opis pada waktu yang sama dia accident.. so opis nak luluskan pampasan
dan everything camana? opis bole luluskan JIKA ada sape2 yang mengaku dah
tolong Ali punch card.. Amat tak nak mengaku.. ye la.. kalo dia ngaku
dia mesti kena tindakan tatatertib kan? silap2 dia kena buang keje.. so smpi
skang pampasan tak dapat.. yang susah isteri Ali.. dah la tak bekerja then
anak dah ade 2 lak tuh.. nak kuarkan KWSP pon hadapi masalah yg sama..
Korang nak ke perkara yang sama berlaku kat diri korang dan kawan
korang? kalo la korang mintak punch then jadi pape kat korang tgh jalan sape
nak bertanggungjawab? for sure la kawan yang tolong punch card tuh tak nak
mengaku.. ye la kita dah tolong sat lagi kita yang kena tanggung?? kalo
kena denda je tak pe la.. sat lg siap kena buang keje mana mau cari
keje??? yang si kawan yang tolong tuh pulak mesti seumur idup akan rasa bersalah..
kalo accident just patah kaki je bole la lagi tak dikisahkan tapi kalo dah
melibatkan nyawa ni.. walaupon niat nak tolong tapi biar la mcm org tua
cakap.. buat baik berpada-pada. . jgn buat baik tak kira tempat.. nanti
susah kat sendiri.. so aku just nak mintak tolong kat korang sume..
jangan la buat keje nih lagi.. tolong fikir ajal maut kita tak tau.. mungkin kita
mati pas tuh dah tak de pape tanggungjawab. .. tapi org yg idup.. mcm keluarga
kita.. nak tuntut pape susah.. korang nak ke mcm tuh? mesti korang tak nak
famili korang susah kan? aku harap mulai sekarang.. kalo korang datang lewat
macamana sekalipon.. punch card la sendiri.. biarla bos marah sekali
pon.. tapi jangan menyusahkan diri org lain.. dan diri sendiri.. tolongla
diri sendiri dan kalo nak tolong kawan2 pon biar la kena tempatnya.. next
time..kalo korang rasa dah lewat tuh.. call la bos bg tau lewat sampai then
jumpa bos bila dah sampai.. kalo korang rasa nak balik awal lak.. mintak la
time off atau permission kuar awal dari bos.. atau minta jer la cuti
ke?..jangan la main kuar suka2 ati je..
p/s :- pas aku dgr cite tuh dari isteri Ali.. aku dah tak nak buat mcm
tuh lg.. sbb sebelom ni.. aku penah beberapa kali mintak tlg punch dan
beberapa kali tlg org punch.. aku rasa ngeri dgr cite tuh.. lg pon aku sempat
lawat arwah sebelum dikebumikan. . terasa macam.. ish ape yg dah aku buat..
rasa bersyukur sangat sbb sepanjang aku buat keje tuh.. aku tak terlibat
ngan pape accident dan org yg aku tlg tuh selamat sampai.. kalo aku pon kena
mcm tuh.. aku tak tau la apa jadi.. nangis air mata darah pon x guna lagi...
Monday, May 10, 2010
Arsenal FC News : Arsenal 4 - 0 Fulham
Arsenal thrash second-string Fulham
Arsenal secured third place in the Premier League after sweeping aside Europa League finalists Fulham, who had made their expected wholesale changes, at Emirates Stadium.
The Gunners saw their title hopes ended by successive away defeats to Tottenham and then Wigan, but avoided another slip-up which could have allowed their arch rivals to steal the final automatic qualification place in next season's Champions League.
The Arsenal squad set off on a lap of appreciation after the final whistle of another season which promised so much, yet again failed to deliver a trophy as manager Arsene Wenger was left to reflect on just which summer transfer targets he can bring in to finally turn potential into silverware.
The Fulham fans, meanwhile, will be hoping their amazing European adventure brings a fairytale finish against Atletico Madrid in Hamburg on Wednesday night.
It was a low-key opening, before under-fire Arsenal keeper Lukasz Fabianski failed to collect a deep ball into the penalty area, which was hacked clear as Stefano Okaka looked to pounce.
Robin van Persie's five-month injury absence was seen as a major factor in Arsenal failing to last the distance.
The Dutchman's curling free-kick from the right had Mark Schwarzer backpedalling to tip the ball away.
Fabianski drew some ironic applause from the Gunners faithful after, at the second attempt, he held onto a deep free-kick into the Arsenal six-yard box.
It was, though, Schwarzer who would be embarrassed with an error on 21 minutes.
The Australian failed to control a backpass from Chris Baird, which gifted the ball to an alert Andrey Arshavin.
The Russian dashed to the goal-line, dribbled around the keeper and - with Van Persie screaming for a tap-in - promptly slotted the ball in off John Pantsil at the near post.
It was soon 2-0.
Theo Walcott - hoping to be in the England World Cup squad - beat the offside trap to latch onto Bacary Sagna's pass and dart into the right side of the penalty area.
He squared for Van Persie, whose low drive cannoned off Schwarzer's legs and onto the bar, before the Dutchman blasted in the rebound.
Arsenal made sure of victory ahead of half-time when, on 37 minutes, Emmanuel Eboue flicked on Walcott's low cross into the six-yard box, which - with Van Persie lurking - Baird stabbed into his own net.
Walcott should have made it four when played in by another clever backheel from Eboue, but dragged his angled shot wide from 12 yards.
At the other end, Okaka got ahead of Sol Campbell and into the Arsenal penalty box, but the ball would not fall for him as Fabianski cleared.
Fulham made a change at the start of the second half, as David Elm replaced Bjorn Helge Riise.
The Swedish striker almost had an instant impact as his low, 18-yard drive came back off the base of the post, but the offside flag was up.
Van Persie went close when Eboue's cross picked him out in the Fulham six-yard box.
Schwarzer redeemed himself with a smart reaction save, before the Arsenal striker then stabbed the rebound against the woodwork.
There was a worrying moment for Fulham when Pantsil - who had just recovered from a serious knee injury - needed treatment after pulling up when kicking the ball clear.
Fulham boss Roy Hodgson was taking no chances, and brought on Stephen Kelly after 56 minutes.
Arsenal also had to make a change when Swiss international Johan Djourou - who had not played all season because of his knee problem - replaced Mikael Silvestre, the veteran defender, out of contract this summer, possibly making his last appearance for Arsenal.
Fulham had a penalty claim waved away by referee Mike Jones when Campbell appeared to haul down Clint Dempsey as the ball was lofted into the Arsenal box.
The American took his protests too far, and was shown a yellow card, before he was replaced by Fredrik Stoor.
At the other end, Eboue was booked for diving after a sliding challenge from Kelly in the left corner of the box.
Fabianski darted out of his area to close down Elm, but handled and also went into the referee's notebook.
With six minutes left, substitute Carlos Vela made it 4-0 when he chipped Schwarzer after collecting Samir Nasri's throughball.
# Wenger: We could have won title
After the match Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger congratulated Chelsea on winning the Premier League title - and maintained but for injuries his team would have run them close.
"Congratulations to Chelsea, to Carlo Ancelotti and his players. He behaved very well the whole season," said the Arsenal boss. "For us it was important to finish well and we did it.
"We have gone beyond expectation, if you look at July, but of course we are still frustrated, because one month ago we were in touch with the championship, but did not win it.
"Overall we had a season with a good attitude and strong character, the team has improved a lot on that front, but overall we conceded too many goals to win the championship.
"We did not have the players available in the last six weeks to fight for the championship. When you go into the final sprint, you need your squad available. We had too many injuries."
Wenger continued: "It is a shame because we have gone out in the quarter-finals of the Champions League to the holders and have been beaten by Chelsea and Manchester United, who have strong squads. We were just a fraction short."
Wenger is set to strengthen the squad in the summer, with the arrival of long-term target Marouane Chamakh set to be officially announced before the World Cup. The Gunners boss, though, insists major additions are not necessary.
"Is a lot of strengthening a number or quality?" Wenger said. "We want to improve in quality, not necessarily a big number of players needed."
The Arsenal boss continued: "What the fans want concerns me. We both love the club and want the best possible team. But we live in a world not to be crazy. We have to pay our wages at the end of the month and we have to respect our business rules."
Fulham, who face Atletico Madrid in Hamburg on Wednesday, made eight changes, and substitute Carlos Vela rounded off a comfortable win with four minutes left.
Cottagers boss Roy Hodgson reflected: "I do not think it was difficult to keep the team which I selected focused, because many of them were very much really in need of a game and should have been looking to show what they can do.
"So I take the responsibility that to expect the players to come here and get a result was far too big an ask. I am actually quite satisfied with the way they went about things and kept battling against enormous odds.
Hodgson quipped: "Schwarzer is blaming the pitch, saying it took a bobble, but nobody believes him! I am pleased to see he has got it out of his system because he has made so few this season, if any."
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Arsenal FC News : Blackburn Rovers 2 - 1 Arsenal
Gunners slump badly at Blackburn
An all-too-familiar weakness cost Arsenal as Blackburn came from behind to win 2-1 at Ewood Park.
Goalkeeper Lucasz Fabianski's vulnerability in the air was exposed on a number of occasions before Rovers captain Chris Samba took advantage to head home a 69th-minute winner.
Robin van Persie's first goal since October 31, having been sidelined for five months with an ankle injury, had put the Gunners ahead early in the first half only for David Dunn to equalise from close range just before the interval.
Arsenal, who have still to guarantee third place in the table, had endured some physical battles on this ground over the years but this was not one of them.
Set-pieces from both sides dominated in the opening 45 minutes but once Blackburn sensed their opportunity they seized it and could easily have been awarded a penalty early in the second half for Sol Campbell's clumsy challenge on Morten Gamst Pedersen.
Their tactic of packing the penalty area with bodies and virtually surrounding Fabianski every time there was a chance to get the ball into the box was one the Poland international struggled to cope with.
Fabianski was deputising for the injured Manuel Almunia, not immune to the odd error himself, but his performance did little to instil confidence in his defence.
But there was an air of casualness about the Gunners as early as the third minute when forward Carlos Vela gave an indication of why this was his first Barclays Premier League start in a year and a day.
Ryan Nelsen failed to cut out the through-ball meant for Theo Walcott but with goalkeeper Paul Robinson's indecision keeping him rooted to his line the England winger was able to collect and cross only for the Mexico international to sidefoot wide of an empty goal.
Three minutes later Blackburn's threat from set-pieces was illustrated as Pedersen's 25-yard free-kick had Fabianski diving to his right to save well.
But it was a dead-ball delivery by Arsenal's Samir Nasri in the 14th minute which produced the opening goal.
Bacary Sagna flicked on at the near post and Van Persie was on hand to head in his eighth goal in eight matches against Rovers - more than he has scored against any other Premier League club.
The Holland international then forced Robinson into a low save to his right from a 25-yard free-kick on the half-hour.
Set-pieces continued to provide the best chances and Fabianksi, who did not look comfortable under pressure, had to tip over another Pedersen free-kick.
Three minutes before half-time another corner brought a goal, this time an equaliser for Rovers.
Pedersen's left-wing corner dropped to Nelsen who rolled a pass to Keith Andrews on the right of the penalty area and his driven cross deflected off striker Jason Roberts to Dunn who tapped home at the far post.
Four minutes after half-time Pedersen's miss from a one-on-one with Fabianski was ruled academic by an offside flag.
The Norway international had run from deep to collect Dunn's pass through the middle of Arsenal's defence but he overhit his lob and the ball landed on top of the net.
Within five minutes Pedersen had a chance to redeem himself from Andrews' dinked pass but shot too close to Fabianski.
As he tried to reach the rebound he was felled by a clumsy challenge from Campbell but referee Martin Atkinson awarded only a corner.
On the hour substitute Junior Hoilett's first touch having replaced Grella saw him fire in a shot destined for the top corner which Fabianski palmed behind.
Wenger sent on Andrey Arshavin, making his first appearance since the end of March after a calf problem, for Vela but before the Russian had chance to get involved Blackburn took the lead.
Pedersen's corner was drilled into the six-yard area and Fabianski came but failed to connect, allowing Samba to head in from three yards out.
Wenger sent on Eduardo for Eboue in an attempt to get the equaliser but Allardyce responded by taking off playmaker Dunn and sending on centre-back Phil Jones to shore up the defence in a five-man backline.
Rovers held on for four minutes of added time to move up to 10th in the table and sign off with an impressive record at Ewood Park, where they have lost only three times.